The top two things that people are normally after in a vape are flavour and vapour. Your choice of atomizer will affect both of those things and we can help you to determine the best fit for you. Whether you are strictly a flavour chaser, like a good mix of flavour and vapour, or are after clouds that will change the weather system in your area- there’s an atomizer for you. But the best way to make any atomizer really shine is to match it with the appropriate coils. A great set of coils will take even the best hardware and e-liquid pairing to the next level.
Quality matters when it comes to coils and at Gas City Vapes we set a high bar because we value our customers’ experience. In our prebuilt coils section, you’ll find a wide variety of SaddlehorseBlues coils. SaddlehorseBlues is an Alberta-based company and has been in the business of building coils since 2015.
The first thing that people notice about SaddlehorseBlues coils is the quality. The attention to detail is phenomenal. Many of the intricate designs can only be seen by magnification but if you take a close look you can see that this is a builder who takes pride in his work. The leads lay flat making installs a breeze and there is a consistency in the work that makes it all the more impressive that these are made by hand. A big part of that consistency is that there is one master coil builder at SaddlehorseBlues, who builds all of the coils and has since the beginning. None of the work is farmed out.
SaddlehorseBlues employs a two step quality control process. The coils are inspected under magnification upon completion. They’re then cleaned in an ultrasonic bath before they undergo a secondary inspection prior to packaging. The sturdy tin that they come in is lined with foam and ensures that your coils won’t get crushed in shipping or if you’re packing them with you for the road. Use the tins afterwards for carrying your small hex drivers, Allen keys, and small parts.
With a proper install and regular cleaning, a set of prebuilt SHB coils will last you a couple of months before we recommend changing them out. Naturally if you’re using a particularly sugary e-liquid or one that gunks up your coils quickly, you’re going to put some wear on your coils faster.
We carry a wide variety of SaddlehorseBlues coils to suit a range of preferences from mouth-to-lung to series. We even carry Tsuka coils that are specially produced for us and exclusive to our shop. SHB responds to changes in the vape space as different devices appear and as vape preferences change so keep an eye on the pre-made coils section of our site for new additions. And if you have any questions about which coils are best suited to your set-up, how to install your coils, or how to care for them just ask us. We’re standing by and always happy to help you get the most of your vaping experience.
Shane: Master coil builder Saddlehorse Blues
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